
Simple RSS File Generator

Simple Rss File Generator Boxshot

Simple Rss File Generator Author

Night Sky Observer

Simple Rss File Generator Features

Want more traffic to your Website? An Easy way to Distribute your News? Then you need an Rss News Feed. To start all you need is Content you want Broadcast, and one Rss text File. Really Simple Syndication (Rss) is a lightweight Xml Format designed for Sharing headlines and other Web Content.

The Simple Rss File Generator Software takes all of the Hard work out of Creating your own (single-Channel) Rss File. All you do is create your List of headlines and get the Software to create the Rss File for you which you can then upload to your Website. So you never need to become an Xml tech-head before you can create your own News Feed.

Register your RRS Feed at the various aggregators and watch the hits roll in. Any site can now grab and display your Feed regularly, driving traffic your way. Update your Rss File, and all the external Sites that subscribe to your Feed will be automatically updated. What can be easier?

Simple Rss File Generator Price


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Simple Rss File Generator Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Windows XP

